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As the world becomes increasingly digital, it’s important for chartered town planners to keep up with the latest technology in order to streamline their workflows and improve efficiency. One tool that has proven particularly useful for town planners is Bluebeam Revu, a digital markup and collaboration software that allows users to work with PDFs and other digital documents.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how chartered town planners can use Bluebeam Revu in their day-to-day work, the benefits of digitising their work, and survey data to support these claims.

Benefits of digitising town planning work

Before diving into how Bluebeam Revu can benefit town planners specifically, it’s worth exploring some of the broader benefits of digitising town planning work in general.

First and foremost, digitising work can help reduce the amount of physical paperwork that town planners need to manage. This can not only help to reduce clutter in the office, but can also make it easier to share and collaborate on documents, regardless of the physical location of the people involved.

In addition, digital documents can be easily stored and backed up, reducing the risk of losing important information due to accidents or other mishaps. They can also be more easily searched and indexed, making it quicker and easier to find specific pieces of information when needed.

Perhaps most importantly, digitising town planning work can help improve collaboration and communication between different stakeholders in the planning process. By allowing everyone involved to access and work with the same digital documents, it becomes easier to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that changes are made in a timely and efficient manner.

How chartered town planners can use Bluebeam Revu

So, how specifically can chartered town planners use Bluebeam Revu in their day-to-day work?

One of the key features of Bluebeam Revu is its digital markup tools, which allow users to add comments, highlights, and other annotations directly onto digital documents. This can be particularly useful for town planners who need to collaborate with other stakeholders, such as architects or engineers.

For example, a town planner might receive a set of architectural plans from an architect, and need to provide feedback on those plans. With Bluebeam Revu, the town planner can easily add comments and markups to the plans, and then share those marked up plans back to the architect for further revisions. This can help speed up the planning process and ensure that everyone involved is on the same page.

Another useful feature of Bluebeam Revu is its ability to create customised markups and tools. For example, a town planner might create a custom stamp that includes their name, contact information, and other relevant details. They can then use this stamp to quickly and easily mark up documents in a consistent and professional manner.

Similarly, town planners can create customised toolsets that include frequently used markups and tools, such as standard measurements or symbols. By creating and using these custom toolsets, town planners can save time and improve consistency in their work.

Survey data on the benefits of Bluebeam Revu

While the benefits of digitising town planning work and using Bluebeam Revu specifically are clear, it’s always helpful to have data to back up these claims. Fortunately, there have been several surveys and studies conducted on the benefits of Bluebeam Revu.

For example, a survey conducted by the Bluebeam team in 2019 found that 84% of respondents felt that Bluebeam Revu helped them save time on their projects. In addition, 80% of respondents said that the software helped improve collaboration with other stakeholders.

Another survey, conducted by the Construction Industry Council in 2020, found that 63% of respondents felt that using digital technology had a positive impact on their work. In addition, 67% of respondents felt that digital technology helped improve collaboration and communication with other stakeholders in the construction industry.

These survey results highlight the real-world benefits that can be achieved through digitising work and using tools like Bluebeam Revu. By streamlining workflows and improving collaboration, town planners can ultimately help to deliver better projects more efficiently.


In conclusion, Bluebeam Revu is a powerful tool that can help chartered town planners improve their day-to-day workflows and collaboration with other stakeholders in the planning process. By digitising their work and taking advantage of Bluebeam’s customisable markups and tools, town planners can save time and improve consistency in their work.

The benefits of digitising town planning work are clear, and survey data supports the claim that using digital technology can help improve collaboration and communication with other stakeholders in the construction industry.

As the world becomes increasingly digital, it’s important for chartered town planners to stay up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies. By embracing digital workflows and using tools like Bluebeam Revu, town planners can help ensure that they are delivering the best possible projects in the most efficient manner


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